by Jon Sullivan - 2020-03-09 - Stories
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>Pfft.... whatever.
I'll be lucky if I can even stop touching my face while concentrating on not touching my face. Not that I'm jumping on the hysteria train and riding it to panic town. But I do live in a city that has confirmed corovid, and I do work in an office with people who travel. And right now my main concern is the Belgium trip. Even if the majority of people who get it have mild symptoms, I think trying to not get it sounds prudent.
But since America has a culture that encourages sick people to go to work, and since so many people actively reject science, it's hard to have confidence anything you try will help at all. And the face touching thing is the most frustrating part. You are unlikely to breath in the virus, so all you have to do to be safe is not touch your face. Easy. Solved.
Well it's just something I can't do. The end. I've tried. Not going to happen.
So the only option is to not touch things. I carry around plenty of tissues and I can mostly not touch things at work. But shopping is a big problem. Lately I've been using home delivery for groceries, which is awesome, but the selection is limited enough that I still need to go to the store.
And I need to go to the DMV this week to get my driver's license renewed. I think I'm screwed.
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