Dungeness crab vs

by Jon Sullivan - 2022-06-28 - Status

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Since I'm Jon, or course there is a list. Started in 2016, finished in 2022.

I let economics decide a great deal of things in my life. Supply and demand. Scarcity , cost-benefit, unequal costs, comparative advantage, opportunity cost, equilibrium. Jon loves economics. Not enough to leave programming for it, but it's a regular topic between me and my inner voice. In fact it would be safe to say the majority of my time in both WoW and FF XIV was spent playing the in-game markets. So the decision to move to Oregon follows the completion of many lists, and maps, and math, and a lot of game theory. But the balance sheet is fun IMHO.

So when you ask, "why?", here's the math. This is the Willamette Valley balance sheet. Portland isn't something I'm looking at currently.

  Oregon       San Diego
+4 Dungeness crab +2 Tacos
-2 Mold +1 Desert
-2 Weather +3 Paradise
-1 Portland +1 SoCal
-2 Crime -2 High rent
+4 New adventures -2 Played out
-1 Rural +2 Urban
+2 Nick Page +1 Richard Blais
+2 Liberals +0 Democrats
+1 Rocky coast -1 Sandy coast
+4 Variety +1 Similarity
-1 WASPs +1 Melting pot
+2 Mountains +0 Dunes
+3 All the things +2 Lots of things
+3 Long list +1 Short list
+6 Intangibles +2 Intangibles
+1 Food +3 Cuisine
+3 Wildlife -1 Lizards
+1 Salmon -1 Monkfish
+3 Beauty +3 Wealth
-2 Traffic -1 Traffic
-1 Grocery +1 Delivery
+0 Seattle +1 Los Angeles
-1 Veggies +1 Meat

It's a place. I can go there. And I'll be happy. How fucking delightful and awesome is that?

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Eugene weather
41.11 degrees F, Clouds (overcast clouds)
Min: 37.26 ,Max: 42.8 ,Humidity: 92, Wind: 10.36
Eugene, OR - Best Restaurants
Eugene, OR - Things to do
Eugene, OR - Fish reports
Oregon road conditions
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