by Jon Sullivan - 2020-04-13 - Food
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>Oh.... that's right.... I can just make it.
2020 certainly has been the year to learn how to cook again. It's been about 25 years since I last tried to make pasta. And I remember it as something I was never going to be able to pull off. Something about making a "well" in a pile of flour and then stirring in the slimy eggs until it..... does something. For me cooking is, in no small part, a process of applying whatever technology is needed to not get my hands slimy.
So as easy as homemade pasta might be, I've always had an aversion to it. I don't eat pasta all that often. And even then it's usually hard pasta like tubes or spirals. Of course they also sell fresh pasta in the store, in handy portions that aren't slimy. I always kept the anvil-like manual pasta machine. No idea why. Door stop?
Then a few days ago I ran across a video that mentioned the obvious - You can just weigh your eggs and flour, then mix them in a food pro for 30 seconds. No slime. No portioning by intuition. Wow.
You still have to knead it a bit and roll it out. But that's not hard. Here's the video if you're interested :
So 2020 has been learning about making sourdough bread, cupcakes, hummus, bagels, pasta. I wonder what starchy food I'll learn next. Perhaps 2020 is more about shortcuts to getting fat.
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