by Jon Sullivan - 2022-04-06 - Photography
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>I judge myself pretty harshly. And with photos I'm certainly my biggest critic.
A big chunk of my happiness is tied to the photos I'm taking. Being in post processing and seeing something that I'm honestly impressed with is a rare and special moment. Rare. And the last couple years have made it even more rare. 2021 was almost a year without photos. I got a few I'm happy with, but even those are a bit gimmicky. 2020 was basically just pictures of my food. Boring. You have to go back to 2019 to get to the good stuff. So I've had two years of bad photography, or no photography, hanging over my head. I was happy, but I knew I could be happier.
Most of it was covid of course. Hard to get travel and landscape photos in the middle of a global pandemic and lockdown. But much of it just felt like I was losing my mojo. So many times I'd go out and just not come up with anything I really liked. It never got to the level where it made me depressed or mad. But it was always missing.
This weekend really broke through. Which was unlikely. I was sick most of the weekend. I was going to Salton Sea, which I've photographed to death over the years. And the main goal was drone photos which I didn't even know how to do really. But over and over I nailed it. Full album here.
I look at some of those over and over and am just amazed. The new perspective you get with the drone is very happy making. But a couple of the best shots are just old school point the camera and click. That lake photo with the horizon lost in the mist is incredible. I'm impressed.
It took me a long time to get into the mindset that I even wanted to do drone photos. The whole process of doing it responsibly is a serious pain in the ass. Not to mention the cost. Adding another $2000+ camera to my kit isn't going to help me retire. But one of the main reasons I love photography is how the camera shows you a reality the eye can't see. So obviously putting the camera 300 feet in the air is a good way to get that. I guess the drone is here to stay.
It feels like the mojo is back. Now to plan the next trip.
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