by Jon Sullivan - 2020-02-04 - Opinion
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>Reality is no fun these days. When even a hint of political opinion is grounds for a fist fight, I'm content to just ignore it all, embrace apathy, and take silly pointless photos.
I remember a time when you could talk to people you strongly disagreed with on politics. Back in those olden times we called it "constructive discourse". Or maybe debate. People don't seem to do that any more. We've polarized politics to the point where no matter which side you are on, you feel those on the other side are morons who threaten your way of life.
And a few days ago a state senator in Montana suggested I should literally be shot and killed for my political views. When we devolve to the point where elected officials are publicly supporting death threats aimed at me.... I'm out. Have your culture war without me. I may have been raised to believe apathy was a grave sin. But fuck that shit. I'll study the issues and vote. But I'm not going to go buy weapons to fight off the police when they come to round up Sanders voters for extermination.
A few decades ago that would sound silly. But in this election year it's not that shocking. And silly or not, it isn't a debate I'm willing to engage in. So apathy.
Luckily I have many hobbies to hold my attention. Cooking wonderful meals, playing exciting video games, taking amusing photos.
So here is a silly photo of some photo props I had lying around the apartment.
Hmmmm...... Then I look again and realize the photo is symbolic of the duality of our political climate. Opposite forces, never able to find commonality, forever opposed. Or..... Maybe it's really more of a metaphysical statement where opposites are seen as complementary polarities, opposite in a rudimentary way, yet forming a unity in a transcendent sense.
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