by Jon Sullivan - 2022-01-18 - Jonism
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>"The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere." - James Russell Lowell
First of all, let me say that Facebook's Social Graph architecture can go fuck itself. This is why we need social democracy people. Facebook shouldn't control this stuff. While the concept of egalitarian meta tags may be a bit off the beaten path, letting crazy billionaires control the Internet is a bad idea. Congress needs to grow some balls, strip Facebook of it's complete sovereignty, and give control back to the people.
But I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
I don't remember who said this, but somewhere I remember running across the idea that true freedom only comes after loneliness. I think it was Rob. But basically the idea that unless you are alone, you take on endless obligations and expectations. And while selfish, being alone means you are only compelled to deal with your own happiness and needs. Where compromises must be made you are free to make them however you like and purely for your own happiness.
All that might make you a shitty person and a bad neighbor in the eyes of many, but it decouples being alone from loneliness. I always dance like no one is watching. Obviously.
"You've got to dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like there's nobody listening and live like it's heaven on earth." - William Purkey
While that quote is likely all about self-confidence and bravery, in the Jon context it's more about establishing a lifestyle where all those are automatic. The classic Stoics considered such a context to be an important virtue. Even heaven on Earth. As an atheist, the only heaven I need is my little Hobbit hole. It's lonely, and thus I'm happy. Joyous even.
Obviously there are non-lonely things I don't have that could also bring joy. A partner, concerts, dinner with fellow foodies, conversations. I could keep chasing all those. Instead I choose joy.
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