by Jon Sullivan - 2021-01-01 - Photography
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>Not many photos this year. But at least I got a few I really like.
The gallery with my best photos of 2020 is here. Much less volume this year. And mostly stuff in my apartment. I did take one weekend trip to Borrego for the comet back in July. But even though it wasn't overly risky or frightening, it was time spent mostly worrying about the virus. So it was far from a relaxing vacation. And as much as anything it's what made me decide to just stay home. There was talk of going to Montana for Thanksgiving. An aborted plan to meet up with epic travel master Marilee in Monterrey. In the end those all came down to a decision about whether to be responsible or not.
I won't judge those who decided to travel. But for me it always came down to not wanting to kill someone. 1 in every 1000 people in the US has died from Covid this year. And we never even tried to do adequate testing or contact tracing. The math is unavoidable. If I travel, sooner or later some of those deaths will be related to me. And just staying home is pretty easy.
It had it's good sides. I've always wanted to spend a year doing more food photography. And 2020 was certainly that. So at least one thing off the to-do list. Baking of any sort is a skill that's always eluded me. But I fixed that in 2020. While I don't eat enough bread or desserts to make it an on-going hobby, it was happy-making to produce some artisan loves and cupcakes I'm proud of. For some odd reason I really wanted a great photo of chicken soup. I think I nailed it.
Still... obviously..... 2020 was not a great year for photography for me. Which is doubly disappointing since there was supposed to be an epic vacation in Belgium. I'd like to hope we can fit it in soon. But planning such things has led to so much disappointment that I'm shy about scheduling out more than a month or so.
So.... there they are. My best photos of the year. Given all the crap that happened in 2020, I really shouldn't complain at all. A lot of us died. A lot of us lost jobs. A lot of us fought social injustice in the streets. And Trump of course. Serious shit. And I hid in my apartment and took fabulous photos of cupcakes. What a world, what a world.
What a world.
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