by Jon Sullivan - 2022-01-04 - Photography
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>It was a wild year. As usual, my photos from it hint at where my life was at.
2021 was Jon in extreme lockdown. I went to Montana twice, but literally did nothing else. Classic Stoic philosophy was rediscovered. Babymetal was discovered and lost. Blizzard made it on my shit list. Final Fantasy 14 brought the joy back. Some of my best photos from the year.
Some "best photos" from the past, which hint at where my life was at. Before 2011 all of my posts were on Google Plus. So that's 100% gone. Never trust Google. Links to these over on the right (or below?) on the menu.
2011 - Me trying to hold it together. Just one more day, one more week, one more month. I don't think anyone back then knew how desperate my life had become. Not depressed, just stuck in a desperate hope for something, anything. (it got better)
2012 - Tacos... Maybe tacos will fill the whole. Maybe WoW. Maybe booze. Try more booze. No... MORE.
2013 - Blink and you'll miss it. That instant I realized it was all her. I'd been blaming myself, but it was all her. And her poison. I should have listened to the frogs, so many years before. They were trying to warn me.
2014 - The best year of my life. Odd how fast that can happen. And how wonderful life can be once the toxic crap is moved aside. The best year of my life.
2015 - Let's take some road trips. Let's take that step on a path of discovery. Let's figure out all the crap I never bothered to figure out. You can't land without jumping. And you can't jump without landing.
2016 - But land where? North Park. Finally North Park. My (0, 0, 0). But thinking about Oregon.
2017 - Rediscovering my love of serious photography. Lots of weight loss. Then the massive blow to the head. I shouldn't have just wandered into the desert like that. But what's done is done.
2018 - One last chore. The ashes of my parents scattered at the magic places. Forever in Ireland. Also, a 35 year old promise finally kept. The odd timey-whimy riddle of the stones. We pulled it off.
2019 - I love the 2019 photos. It was a great year. Maybe the last great year for a long time. But I hope I can manage a lot more like it. Someday. After the plagues, and the civil war, and the end of truth, and lingering covefe.
2020 - Lockdown. I'd been training my whole life for it. Also learned to bake. As we all did.
2021 - The year of the unbroken. The year life forced us to finally just deal with it. A year of plague. A year of Facebook-fueled anger over stupid shit. The year we found little offline things to give us hope. The year we unfriended so many shockingly stupid friends. I unfriended everyone, so no judgment there. WoW out, FFXIV in.
And now 2022. Hopefully I can make it not like 2021.
Because fuck 2021. I know for sure I cried more in 2021 than all the 30 years before it. Half were tears of grief, half were tears of joy. Let 2022 be the year of comfort and joy.
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