Trading places, part 2

by Jon Sullivan - 2022-08-09 - Jonism

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I should have hired a personal assistant. This is harder than it looks.

[editor's note - Jon was quite brutal about Kailspell in the last post here. Obviously we have many readers who actually live in Kalispell and love it. Rest assured, it does not go unnoticed by this editor that while Jon goes on at length about how changed he is and how he's so polite now, he still makes public posts with unprovoked attacks like yesterday's. Please be patient. He's old. From a century long passed. And he often doesn't play nice with today's modern world because, like most old people, he is out of touch. I will have a serious talk with him. We apologize for any insults he may have posted.]

[additional editor's note - While he's not especially subtle with his made up nonsense, some may not be aware he's making most of this up for his own selfish amusement. Don't take it seriously. He has an old world sensibility about humor. And what is appropriate in 2022 is obviously very different from what he calls "the good old days". What is that anyway? The 1970s? 50 years ago? Please remember it's likely all made up. But it pays the bills, so we let it slide.]

[yet another editor's note - Sharon read yesterday's post and suggested that his whiny rant about hobbits and inadequate rice was somehow equivalent to her heroic and frightening tasks in California (we're not going to go into that). This is untrue and this editor rejects it. Sharon is being a saint down there. Jon is being pouty and spoiled. Just needed to set the record straight.]

[yes, another editor's note - Here's another example of why I can say with certainty that Jon's claim about living fully within Stoicism's virtues is frequently just not true. Someone trying to sell roofing services door to door just popped by and asked Jon if he could climb up on the roof to see if he would recommend Jon use his company to fix the roof. There was no virtue from Jon, he just trolled the poor man and tried to waste as much of his time as possible. And while it could be argued that people going door to door trying to scam home owners into unneeded repairs deserve to be trolled, I think we can all agree it's not virtuous. Sure, Marcus Aurelius likely would have killed the man where he stood, but he certainly wouldn't have been a dick about it.]

It's the little things that get to me here. And it's all little things. Like I go out for walkies at 4am and the sidewalks are different. In San Diego everything is well lit at 4am, but here the sidewalks aren't. That's because everyone in SD has their porch lights on, which lights all the sidewalks. In Kalispell they're all off. And while the sidewalks are mostly good, some spots are bad, which is a recipe for tripping in the dark and falling and breaking bones and having friends and family insist I go to a doctor for an xray which won't happen. So I need to not fall down, so I need to walk in the street here. See? Little things.

There's also fucking deer everywhere here. Which may seem cute in the daytime, but when they wander out of the shadows in front of you at 4am like a very large dog, or an angry bison, it will freak you the hell out. And they just let them hang out wherever they want. No one even does anything about it. Pooping all over everything. Terrifying people just trying to get some exercise. No one stops them. How many people die each year because of that? No one cares. Little things?

And the rice problem of course. I'm starting to see why Amazon refuses to do same day delivery out here. Dangerous wild animals wandering around loose. And these things are made of meat aren't they? People seem to really have a gun fetish here. Couldn't the nasty things be shot and used to feed the homeless or something? Big problems with easy solutions, that's what I'm suggesting.

The first big Amazon shipment should get here today. Finally.

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