by Jon Sullivan - 2020-07-14 - Stories
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>I need quarters for laundry. You can't get quarters in San Diego. Yes, really. Stop laughing at me.
In 20 years we'll likely be telling the latest crop of smug teens about the lessons they never learned because they didn't live through 2020. Of course one of those lessons will be how to hoard things. You need two months of toilet paper stored. You can't count on stores to always have rice and flour. The reason you need to know how to bake bread is that the bakeries can get shut down. Basically 2020 has turned us all into doomsday preppers.
And now we can add quarters to the equation. I can't get any. The banks are out. Mad King Trump isn't shipping more until Sept. All the banks here have people at the front door to deal with all the folks trying to find some. The shut down also shut down the mints. Thus hoarding I guess? Then people stopped going to brick and mortar businesses and thus businesses stopped making bank deposits, which apparently is where banks got most of the quarters to start with. On top of that no one wants to touch money with germs all over it. So change just stops getting circulated.
It's the butt wipe problem. There's plenty out there. Circulation is the problem. No SD banks will sell you quarters. I checked.
Meanwhile the laundry, which I need quarters for, since cheap rent is a driving motivator in my life, is piling up. I know I can try and find a 24 hour laundromat that takes credit cards. But spending 3 hours huddled in the plague zone sounds like a poor idea. And I'm guessing there are stupid expensive pick up and drop off services. Which is a no. Having someone breathing all over all my clothes and pillow cases sounds like suicide right now.
So I found a source and am having some shipped to me. Currently hitting refresh on the UPS tracking page every few minutes. Come on UPS!!!! Daddy needs some clean bedding!!!
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