To-do list
by Jon Sullivan - 2019-12-17 - Status
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I love lists. My lists are a map of my future. Also, as quite a lazy and forgetful man, perhaps lists are the only way I get anything done.
Maybe that's why I love software development. The life cycle of a new feature to program is one list after another. Smartly organized and obsessively detailed. Make a list, follow it, and great software comes out the other end. A shitty list, or not being able to follow it adequately, leads to shitty software. But a good proper list of requirements is beautiful in itself.
Here is the current to-do list.
- Lose weight. This will be a constant until I die most likely. I hate being fat, yet I am a fat man at heart.
- Make a will. My sister is going to be in a world of hurt if I don't plan for her (or whoever) needing to get into my stuff after I'm gone. I take data security pretty seriously.
- Get flights and hotels for the may Belgium trip. Running out of time damn it. Need to get on this.
- Get rid of more crap I never use. Big-screen, old fridge, etc. Trying to sell it is more of a pain in the ass then I'll put up with. Need someone to just come haul it. All of it. Anyone near San Diego want lots of free stuff?
- Car stuff. Smog check and new driver's license. Real ID this time. Might as well.
- More coding on this blog. Mainly, beat down errors. Add new sections. Keywords. Categories. Search.
- More photos. While I love photography, and it makes me deeply happy, I'm still very lazy. Need to suck it up and go out.
- More cooking. I'm a leftovers kind of guy. But cooking makes me happy as well. Same problem as above - Too lazy to do things that make me happy. So silly.
- Post more recipes. People love recipes.
- Get Warcraft alts leveled. Obviously. And pet battles. And Transmog.
- Do something about the poor state of my patio. Since it's likely bringing down the property value in it's current state.
- Make a final decision about more tattoos. Sort of happy with what I have, but feels like a lot is missing.
- Get outside now and then. No idea how I don't die of vitamin D deficiency.
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