It's the little things

by Jon Sullivan - 2022-10-05 - Status

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A lot has changed. Like a realization I've been filthy in my hermitage for decades.

Old Jon.... San Diego Jon..... lived in a dark room with the blinds pulled tight shut and never EVER opened for any reason. New Jon...... Oregon Jon...... has the blinds open all day and works with the sunlight shining in. And now that I've unpacked all the San Diego stuff I'm noticing that everything I thought was clean is actually covered in dust and is filthy. Which means I've spent the last 25 years not knowing how to clean at all. And any cleaning skill I had must be fully atrophied at this point. (Editor's note - His ex-wife had moved from a frog infested barn in the swamp, so lacked any impulse for tidiness. Yes, really, a barn. Jon somehow found that charming and cool? I mean..... come on. A literal plague of frogs attacked the place every night? Maybe the universe was telling him something? He's clueless.)

Adding to the problem is that I've lived without a dishwasher for a long time. And handwashing was fine, but the dishes never got completely clean. Which I never really bothered with since my hobbit hole was dark enough to not make it obvious. Well now it is obvious, so I need to run EVERYTHING through the dishwasher. Yay. Another task to get myself unpacked and moved in for real.

Another little thing - The tap water. In Eugene it's some of the worst I've ever tasted. And since I've already committed to making level coffee in the morning, this water is not acceptable at all. So now I need to filter it all, get it to zero, then add back a proper amount of minerals and stuff to get the right acidity and total dissolved solids for perfect. Complete pain in the ass, but do it right or don't fucking do it, yes?

Moving on........

Everyone told me I'd hate the weather here. Yet every day has been the same as San Diego, sunny and 75. So I'm not sure why people would have been misleading me, but the weather here is great. I feel right at home with it. Out on the balcony every morning with a cup of coffee in my shorts. Walkies through the area in a t-shirt. What's not to like???

The new sit/stand desk is fantastic. Which it should be for the amount I paid. Once I get the cable management sorted it will be one of my favorite possessions. The new car arrives in a couple weeks. A couple more loads and my dishes will finally be clean. Kitchen is nearly done. First Thanksgiving test recipe will be this weekend. It's all coming together. It's feeling like..... not just home...... but a great home.

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Eugene weather
60.28 degrees F, Clear (clear sky)
Min: 57.72 ,Max: 61.74 ,Humidity: 75, Wind: 3
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