by Jon Sullivan - 2020-07-21 - Stories
<<<<< previous blog next blog >>>>>It was good to finally get out of the house, and fun to be taking photos of things not on my desk.
I like long road trips, and driving from one photo to the next. I thought a lot on the trip about how it would be to retire like this. An endless series of photo adventures. I've even looked into the idea of just getting a camper van and retiring in that. But if I'm honest I'm way too spoiled and civilized for that. Pulling a trailer is not going to happen due to my secret extreme weakness at special maneuvering. And the camper van that combines a big comfy bed, an honestly good kitchen, fast Internet, and a huge computer/gaming setup likely doesn't exist.
Retirement is a long ways off. My early failures at fiscal responsibility, and many divorces, mean there will be no early retirement. So lots of time to plan. And wait for tech innovations. But I can see myself getting a series of cheap rentals and venturing out for photo trips. Sort of a hub and spoke strategy where I move to a new apartment every year or so. Seems like a lot of work for an old fat man though.
I took lots of photos of the comet. The general strategy is to find something interesting to silhouette against it since it's kind of boring all by itself. But in the end I think I like this stark simple composition better. Just a wandering ball of ice in the vastness of space. Here for a short time, then perhaps never to be seen by mankind ever again. Hard to imagine hairless apes making it until the year 8786.
Next trip, maybe Eastern Sierras.
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